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The Child Welfare Society of Kenya is a membership society for the care, protection, welfare and adoption of children.  It is the National Adoption Society for Kenya and the National Emergency Response, Welfare and Rescue Organization for children. The government agency was established and gazetted in 1955 as an approved society gazette notice 1768 of 27/12/1955, an exempt society gazette notice 1536 of 04/11/1955, Certificate of Exemption number 455 and the Adoption Society for Kenya, gazette notice No. 1356 of 28/04/1969. CWSK is governed by an irrevocable Trust Deed of 1970.

Head office;

Child Welfare Society of Kenya
Child Welfare Building
Madaraka Estate, Langata Road
Next to Bible Society of Kenya
P.O. Box 43982-00100
Nairobi, Kenya